Flowers in the Cracks

The Flowers in the Cracks
Express the joy of renewal of our spirits
With beauty, truth, and love

The Flowers in the Cracks
Is a cultural arts program
Celebrating the renewal of our spirits and communities

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Flowers for Barack

The man of the moment
Who moved the stakes in the ground
The new face in a new race
Won the road to the White House

Radio filled with sagacious comment
Groundswell of support welled up all around
Now the nation has done a complete about-face
Moving forward again in grace without grouse

We, the majority minority vote
Sixty-three million united in strength
November night souls now each in full bloom
Brought together assembled to share without fear

Today is a day of historical note
For flowers to soak up the sun in full length
We are the blossoms overflowing the room
Enraptured and raising our faces in cheer

Yet for fifty-six million we also honor their voice
Those who chose different for various reasons
For these too are our brothers and sisters in nation
With whom we shall have to forge our new fates

Thus we celebrate everyone each in their own choice
Winners and also-rans waiting for their own seasons
America is a bouquet made of rich compilation
Of spirits united from all fifty states

Whether you’re from a red state or maybe a blue
When united we stand, all America wins
This achievement calls us all onto the field to play
To make further advance of human emancipation

We’ve traveled so far, yet have more to do
Today is the day when the future begins
So wherever you are this November day
Enjoy this multicultural celebration


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